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"And when they make up their mind to have a good time, they have it."


Wabash United has a long running relationship with the local newspapers. In the spring of 1889, Dresden Times reported on this "Tea Meeting" held on March 14.

"Last Wednesday, the friends of the Methodist Church gathered for an evening's enjoyment at the church. People came several miles though the roads were well nigh impassable. The little church was crowded to the doors, and after a sumptuous repast and a capital cup of tea, the following program was put in the hands of Jos. S. Gadd of the Dresden TImes, by the pastor, Rev. S.T.Bartlett:

1. Chorus Rev. S.T. Bartlett, Mr. Marsh, and the Misses Marsh and Hellyar

2. Chairman's Address

3. Concertina Solo Rev. Bartlett

4. Reading Rev. Bartlett

5. Dialogue Messrs. William Walters and Alfred Everitt

6. Song and Chorus Rev. Bartlett and Co.

7. Lecture (in character) Mr. A Everitt

8.Chorus Rev. S.T. Bartlett

9. Dialogue Messrs. Everitt and Walters

10. Duet Rev. Bartlett and William March

11. Stump Speech W. Walters

12. Reading Rev. Bartlett

13. Character Song A. Everitt

God Save the Queen

The people of Wabash are enterprising and when they make up their mind to have a good time they have it. Proceeds $32.50."

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