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A Wabash Treasure (Pretty in Pink


Thelma (Mrs. Cecil Jacques), has just celebrated 102 years on this old planet. She is beautiful, involved in life, interested in others, and a kind and gentle lady. When Cecil brought his bride to Wabash United, she joined wholeheartedly in church life. She was musical, with a fine singing voice, and along with Francis (Mrs. Carmen) Blakely, accomplished fine results with the junior choir. The UCW was a natural for Thelma, who rarely missed a meeting, bake sale, visitation call, and for many years, sent greeting cards on behalf of the congregation. She is fun to visit, and my little dog, Pippa, lies down by her feet, even fussing at Sharon for disturbing them. Thelma is a gem!

Her daughter, Sharon grew up in the Sunday school, all the while studying piano, and became the church pianist. After further training on the organ, she has continued to lead the music of the church. She conducts the choir, chooses the hymns, and performs the same duties at the Bothwell United Church. What would we do without her?

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